snap your fingers

Silly kids!

A student from my third grade class asked me today: "Teacher, are you from Germany?"

hahahahah. So then i wrote on the board "Teacher is from America" and I made them write it down in their notebooks.

My first graders:

Every day I start the class off with "Good morning class, How are you today? " and then I go around the room asking each student what their name is. So they can respond with "My name is .."

Today: " and What is your name?"
" My name is pencil case!!"

I could not hold it in..I busted out laughing. Which then encouraged the kids and they started screaming "my name is book" and "my name is eraser." Hahahah.

It was a good day.


Bekah said...

kids say the darnedest things!

Nick said...

That's the funniest/cutest story ever!

Miss Jay said...


Unknown said...

Hi Yasmeen!! That is tooooo funny!!!

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