As you can see, I was able to vote via absentee ballot. This historical moment of mine is now forever photographed. HaHa lucky me!
If you think the obamathon is rampant in American, it is here too. The night he was elected, Tuesday night, was Wednesday morning for me. I woke up in a frenzy at 7am and turned on my computer and TV. On TV was obama giving his victory speech in turkish. I heard the speech in English via
I literally woke up to a new day, a new era, and a new president. To see and hear obama giving his victory speech truly was incredible and magical. I sat there in awe.
Then the rest of the week I read probably 20 or so articles about him and his presidency. The Turkish newspaper, The Zaman, had him on the front cover, with the slogan. “America has chosen Change” I will bring copies home!